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EDUCATION: The Right to Rights

EDUCATION: The Right to Rights

The Declaration of Independence led to the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Whereas the Declaration of Independence declared the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, the Bill of Rights took it a few steps further. The main takeaway...

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ELECTION: Where to from Here?

ELECTION: Where to from Here?

Now that the machinations of political gamesmanship have been trampled underfoot, we will have to decide which presidential candidate is best suited to restore – forget democracy – think sanity. It is no use thinking our systems of government will be restored...

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ELECTIONS: Do We Get to Choose?

ELECTIONS: Do We Get to Choose?

Typically, we have two choices in any federal election when it comes to the presidency, either a Republican or a Democrat. There are three legitimate candidates this time but the third is Independent and typically a nonfactor. There was a time when a party’s platform...

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POLITICS: On the Horns of a Dilemma

POLITICS: On the Horns of a Dilemma

Now that the cards concerning the duties of the President of the United States have been laid on the table, the results are proving far more dramatic than winner takes all. After attempting to prevent a legitimate Republican president from fulfilling his...

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JULY: Pride in America Month

JULY: Pride in America Month

After coming through the unofficial “Pride Month,” it would not be a bad idea to follow up with a Pride in America Month during July. After all, the Fourth of July Independence Day celebration is just days away, and Team USA will be in Paris July 26 to go for the gold...

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IMMIGRATION: Are You Sure You Want to Come Here?

IMMIGRATION: Are You Sure You Want to Come Here?

Non-citizens are flooding across our southern border by the thousands, amounting to millions since Big Daddy WarBiden took office. In the past, illegal immigration was considered illegal. The federal government was commissioned to regulate these illegal crossings by...

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CULTURE: The Traitors

CULTURE: The Traitors

Peacock Television is running a series called “The Traitors.” They have about three different platforms of this series, two in Scotland and one in Australia. If one is into reality games like “Survivor,” “Big Brother,” and the like, one might like this “reality”...

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COVID 666: Wuhan_Part 11

COVID 666: Wuhan_Part 11

China’s modern railway system is one of the marvels of the communist country. But as streamlined and luxurious as it is, it cannot disguise certain areas of stark poverty visible to passengers along the way. Contrasting are the virtually new, tall buildings that make...

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Take Our Border Back Convoy- what should it mean to you?

Take Our Border Back Convoy- what should it mean to you?

Please follow us on Twitter @ Above: Video of the WUP Truck - on Patrol in Northern California. NOTE: This article was not written by writers associated with Take Our Border Back The...

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ELECTION 2024_If Not Trump, Then What?

ELECTION 2024_If Not Trump, Then What?

As former president Donald J. Trump continues to march through the Republican primaries and his much-ballyhooed competition falls away, the pundits are making their play to keep him out of the White House. Dean Phillips, Congressman from Minnesota, has entered the...

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DJT DICTATOR: Dealing With Political Insanity

DJT DICTATOR: Dealing With Political Insanity

After watching Donald J. Trump go through four years of hell simply trying to exercise his duties as a duly elected President, one would hardly think his tenure was the coronation of a dictator. But that is what Democrats and Never Trump advocates would have voters...

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What does a 5th Gen attack on a US County look like

What does a 5th Gen attack on a US County look like

This post draws off the work of General Flynn, US Army (Ret.). Please seek his work as the primary source for all thoughts that this article drives. You can purchase his books here: Please follow us on X @...

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CALAMITY: Railroading California and the USA

CALAMITY: Railroading California and the USA

Please follow us on X @ Take a ride on the Reading Railroad and collect $100 billion after passing GO! Of course, if one is playing Hasbro’s popular board game Monopoly, one only collects $200 after passing GO. However, if you were...

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COVID 666_Beijing_Part 10

COVID 666_Beijing_Part 10

Woodrow Cade and Dr. JJ climbed aboard the airliner departing Hong Kong for the three-hour flight to Beijing in mainland China. They had instructions to take the airport shuttle to the China World Summit Wing Hotel in Beijing. After checking in they were instructed to...

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EDUCATION: The Ivy is Withering

EDUCATION: The Ivy is Withering

Was the resignation of Harvard University President Claudine Gay the Peter Principle played out, or something else? Harvard has long been, and to some extent still is, one of America’s most prestigious private universities. However, recent events surrounding DEI...

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CHRISTMAS: Where it Means the Most

CHRISTMAS: Where it Means the Most

“It’s the most wonderful time … it’s the most wonderful time … of the year.” This popular Christmas song was written in 1963 by Edward Pola and George Wyle. Its refrain is often heard this time of year, along with dozens of others – some romantic, some fun, some...

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EDUCATION: The Ivy is Withering

EDUCATION: The Ivy is Withering

Was the resignation of Harvard University President Claudine Gay the Peter Principle played out, or something else? Harvard has long been, and to some extent still is, one of America’s most prestigious private universities. However, recent events surrounding DEI...

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COVID 666_Assignment Beijing_Part 9

COVID 666_Assignment Beijing_Part 9

At the receptionist counter of the Science Park, agents Woodrow Cade (Red) and Dr. JJ (Gray) identified themselves and announced their meeting with Dr. Wan Trang. The host behind the counter made a brief telephone call and after a short wait a smartly dressed man...

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CULTURE: Should DEI be Allowed to DIE?

CULTURE: Should DEI be Allowed to DIE?

If one does a quick search as to the many “diversified” majors offered at the university and college level in America, social engineering is rarely, if ever, among them. Still, America and those that follow her lead, continue trying to engineer “The Great Society”...

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COVID 666: Hong Kong’s Science Park_Part 8

COVID 666: Hong Kong’s Science Park_Part 8

Ignoring his new watch, Agent Red rolled out of bed early, thanks to an old-fashioned “wakeup call” from the hotel’s front desk. After a quick shower and meticulously dressing for the occasion, Cade knocked on Dr. JJ’s door. “Join me for breakfast?” Woodrow asked the...

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COVID 666: Destination Hong Kong

COVID 666: Destination Hong Kong

“Could I get you gentlemen a beverage his morning?” the comely stewardess asked agents Woodrow Cade and Dr. JJ, now winging their way to Hong Kong. “Maybe this won’t be such a bad flight after all,” Cade remarked, as he looked up at the flight attendant. “Just black...

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POLITICS: If Not the GOP, Then What?

POLITICS: If Not the GOP, Then What?

A change has come over left-wing television pundit Bill Maher. He appears to have inched a step or two to the right. Nothing dramatic, understand, but it’s as if he’s actually using common sense. In a discussion with Democrat National Committee Chairwoman Donna...

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AI: Bable Revisited

AI: Bable Revisited

There has been a lot in the news lately concerning Artificial Intelligence and not all of it good. Now proponents of this potentially promising technology offer a litany of things it will do for mankind – even enslave or eliminate it. Science has proven itself to be...

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COVID 666: Shipment to China, Part 6

COVID 666: Shipment to China, Part 6

It was late when agents Red and Gray arrived at their airport destination. They piled into a waiting cab and the driver took them straight to their apartments without so much as a word spoken between them. The two emerged from the vehicle, grabbed their luggage, and...

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EDUCATION: Schools Ahead of Parents

EDUCATION: Schools Ahead of Parents

There was a time in the United States when Republicans and Democrats tended to agree on policy but differed on procedure. Now, it is a fundamental difference in ideology. Most telling in Placer County is the tug-o-war going on over schools informing parents when their...

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NEW WORLD ORDER: Truth Hurts; Reality Triumphs

NEW WORLD ORDER: Truth Hurts; Reality Triumphs

Perhaps for the first time since Ronald Reagan swept an election across 49 states, someone in the Republican Party poked a finger in the eye of tradition. Traditionally, in a political primary debate, you promise what you cannot deliver, criticize those you should be...

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COVID 666: Back From Visiting WHO, Part 5

COVID 666: Back From Visiting WHO, Part 5

Following their interview with World Health Organization Director-General Tag Hebreyesus and tech company billionaire Phil Bates, Agent Red, Woodrow Cade, and Agent Gray, Dr. JJ left WHO Headquarters and climbed into their limousine waiting to take the two...

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MEDICINE: The Long Road to Recovery

MEDICINE: The Long Road to Recovery

Do we live by consensus? If everyone is in agreement then it must be right, right? The following phrase, spoken by the beaten and beleaguered Rodney King, “Can’t we just all get along?,” still echoes today. A victim of apparent police brutality in which the officers...

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GOVERNMENT: Onward Christian Conservatives

GOVERNMENT: Onward Christian Conservatives

Stunned by the House of Representatives election of Rep. Michael Johnson of Louisiana as Speaker of the House, many on the Left are staggering around glassy-eyed groping for a shred of progressivism to hold onto. Although very little has actually changed, the fear of...

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MEDICINE: The Long Road to Recovery

MEDICINE: The Long Road to Recovery

Do we live by consensus? If everyone is in agreement then it must be right, right? The following phrase, spoken by the beaten and beleaguered Rodney King, “Can’t we just all get along?,” still echoes today. A victim of apparent police brutality in which the officers...

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MOVIES: Dinesh D’Souza’s “Police State”

MOVIES: Dinesh D’Souza’s “Police State”

As the principles of democracy, and more accurately a republic, deteriorate in the United States, it’s a relief that some immigrants, like Dinesh D’Souza, remind us of why America is so important to the world. After releasing “2000 Mules” showing us how fractured our...

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COVID 666: Meeting with WHO

COVID 666: Meeting with WHO

After a comfortable night spent in the Hotel Le Armures, Woodrow Cade and Dr. JJ had an early breakfast before returning to their rooms to get ready for a visit to the headquarters of the World Health Organization to meet with WHO Director-General Tag Hebreyesus and...

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POLITICAL SATIRE: Biden Takes Cheating Scandal to Court

POLITICAL SATIRE: Biden Takes Cheating Scandal to Court

POLITICAL SATIRE: Biden Takes Cheating Scandal to Court In a stunning move by the White House, it was announced that President Joe Biden is fed up with the idea that the 2020 election was fixed. He said he is certain that if the evidence is brought forward in a court...

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Saving the Planet: Electric Vehicles

Saving the Planet: Electric Vehicles

Is the reader aware that we may not be able to afford saving the planet? Especially if the answer is an electric vehicle in every garage and insects in every pot. That, of course, is a takeoff on the old campaign slogan of presidential candidate Herbert Hoover of “A...

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Republican Debate: The Elephant Not in the Room

Republican Debate: The Elephant Not in the Room

One question it seems moderators won’t ask at the Republican second-place frontrunners presidential candidate debates is: “How are you going to avoid prosecution when you go after the corruption in Washington, D.C.?” It's not hard to imagine the silence that will...

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Artificial Intelligence: The Birth of Zeus

Artificial Intelligence: The Birth of Zeus

“I believe that is the last connection that has to be done,” the professor said, as he leaned back from the work he had been doing on the computer – a computer he was certain would be the mastermind of all computers – perhaps, even the human race. “It’s okay to turn...

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Americageddon: Surviving the Global Holocaust

Americageddon: Surviving the Global Holocaust

The call for America to wake up doesn’t seem to be having the desired effect. More and more pundits are beginning to sound the “It’s too late” alarm, so where do we go after plunging over the cliff? Do Americans then become socialists? Communists? Nazis? Not very...

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Our Broken Education: There Ought to be a Law … suit

Our Broken Education: There Ought to be a Law … suit

As states across this country crumble and fall into the sea of woke ideology, one has to wonder if a nation divided can long stand. Without going into which states are still standing, let’s look at one near and dear to the hearts of Placer County residents –...

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The Value of Christ to a Community

The Value of Christ to a Community

Please follow us on X @ School boards in Placer County (not The Rocklin Unified School District) made news recently when a Project Veritas undercover journalist broke a story about the Loomis Basin Congregational United Church of...

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The Value of Christ to a Community

The Value of Christ to a Community

Please follow us on X @ School boards in Placer County (not The Rocklin Unified School District) made news recently when a Project Veritas undercover journalist broke a story about the Loomis Basin Congregational United Church of...

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Parents Rights: Christians Are People Too

Parents Rights: Christians Are People Too

Is it now clear why the Left eschews school vouchers? Is it possible to support diversity while demanding that one size fits all? Parents should not have to fear sending their children to a public school. There is a greater dichotomy here than Right vs. Left, the...

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Placer Sports: Prep Football

Placer Sports: Prep Football

There are five high school leagues in South Placer County offering the finest in prep sports. Most schools are, at least, competing in seven different sports this fall, including Flag Football for girls. South Placer has 16 schools, with one likely near you. This...

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Paul Harvey: If I Were the Devil

Paul Harvey: If I Were the Devil

With the song “The Rich North of Richmond” now at the top of YouTube’s music chart, Wake Up Placer felt it was time to revisit Paul Harvey’s 1965 broadcast of “If I Were the Devil.” ”If I were the Devil … if I were the Prince of Darkness I’d want to engulf the whole...

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Movie Messages: The Oppenheimer Project

Movie Messages: The Oppenheimer Project

Christopher Nolan’s latest film “Oppenheimer” is rapidly climbing the charts. For those who only remember its namesake, J. Robert Oppenheimer as “the father of the atomic bomb,” there is more to this movie than things that go boom – even really big booms. Based on the...

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COVID 666 Part 3_Geneva Bound

COVID 666 Part 3_Geneva Bound

Woodrow Cade (Agent Red) pulled his wheeled luggage a few paces closer to the airline ticket counter, as a family of four departed for the terminal. He was busy reading his ticket for Geneva, Switzerland, more for something to do than verifying information. However,...

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Movie review: Sound of Freedom

Movie review: Sound of Freedom

Please follow us on X @ TLDR: Wake Up Placer recommends Sound of Freedom as a great and worthwhile movie experience. A quick review of our staff (50% + have seen it) yielded agreement that it is a solid movie, with good acting and a...

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Voting Integrity: Dominion Over All

Voting Integrity: Dominion Over All

Has Shasta County cracked the veneer of potential voter fraud in California by voting to do away with Dominion’s electronic vote-counting machines in favor of doing it by hand? Don’t think that hasn’t red-flagged Democrats in this crystal-blue state. One of the...

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An Army of None: Biden’s Military

An Army of None: Biden’s Military

As military recruiting numbers plummet, the Biden Administration doubles down. Some may remember when the Left first pushed back against military policies opposing gays in the armed services. Regulating homosexuality began in the early 1920s and involved spotting...

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COVID 666 Part 2: Pandemic

COVID 666 Part 2: Pandemic

Woodrow Cade glanced about the long table stretching nearly the full length of the room before sitting down. There were only three other gentlemen besides Atoz and himself. He remembered Atoz’s message being marked as “Urgent,” and wondered what five men could find...

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COVID 666 Part 1: The Meeting

COVID 666 Part 1: The Meeting

The squeal of tires was audible when Agent Woodrow Cade wheeled his M40i into the parking lot, while still gunning the engine. After pulling into a designated area and screeching to a halt, Cade rolled out of his car with his necktie in hand. He hurried aboard a...

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