Now that the machinations of political gamesmanship have been trampled underfoot, we will have to decide which presidential candidate is best suited to restore – forget democracy – think sanity.
It is no use thinking our systems of government will be restored regardless of which candidate wins the general election. What we have been put through the last eight years is beyond anything constitutional or even rational.
Democrat hearts melt thinking they may have to submit to a Trump dictatorship. Republican minds are blown thinking the radical dictates of Harris would lead to prosperity. The idea that presidents are elected to run the government is over. What we now have is an election to determine who is going to run us.

Leftists will say “that’s fine” and Rightists will say “that’s not the way it’s supposed to be.” One side will tell the other to behave and the other side will insist the other conforms. The side that loses will be left wondering how voters could have possibly made such a horrible choice because the difference between the two candidates is enormous.
It’s not like this country hasn’t dealt with huge ideological gaps in the past. The nation went to war with itself over slavery. There wasn’t any argument over whether or not this was the land of the free. The argument was over just who gets to be free. If you were African-American or Native-American, your odds weren’t good.

Although the racism drumbeat goes on, it’s further behind us than some would like to believe. The tune today has more to do with faith – faith in a government that demonstrates being of, by, and for all the people (author’s emphasis).
Some would say that’s impossible because we don’t all elect the same person. However, the person elected should take into consideration all citizens, whether they voted for, against, or not at all.
America achieved greatness because its citizens did not all think alike. African-Americans and Native Americans certainly didn’t think like those telling them how and where to live. Common sense isn’t that we all think alike; it’s about taking into consideration the common good.
The nation of Israel fell on hard times when they decided they wanted a king rather than the Lord. Could Americans be on the precipice of making that same mistake?